joi, 10 septembrie 2009

Nu stiu ce titlu sa-i dau

Imi place sa colectionez "citate". Ma rog, nu citate per say dar anumite chestii care se "spun" si se gasesc pe net. Mi se par fun, interesante si they more than often come in handy. Aveam un text document destul de lung, plin cu astfel de citate. Dar l-am pierdut, along cu restul informatiilor care se alfau pe laptop cand acesta s-a decis sa-mi moara in brate. L-am resuscitat. Ma rog, nu eu dar eu l-am umplut din nou cu mai tot ce era in el to begin with. Colectia mea de citate este inca mica, din pacate. Si erau unele asa bune in doc-ul ala!
Ce am strans so far, sunt astea (thank Stumble)(ce am gasit ca fiind atribuit cuiva am mentionat si eu):

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes froze the end of my nose.

When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded.

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it
considered a hostage situation?

If you yelled at your plants instead of talking to them, would they still grow?
Only to be troubled and insecure?

When you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

I am a chemical reaction and proud of it!

It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from there!

Some of you can't help it that you're ugly, I can't help it that I'm sarcastic. Deal with it.

What happens when you get punched in the medulla oblongata? You die.

"Do you think the comprehension fairy will hit you on the head with her wand?"

Votre vie est un échec. Veuiller presser le bouton Reset.

Don't forget, young man. Today was yestarday's tomorrow...

"I wish to live until 150 years old but the day I die, I wish it to be with a cigarette in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other." Ava Gardner

"Not everyone is lucky enough to understand how delicious it is to suffer." Katharine Hepburn

"Always be a first rate version of yourself." Audrey Hepburn

"I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it." Alice Walker

"Beneath the make-up and behind the mask I am just a girl who wishes for the world." Marilyn Monroe

We don't have time to be romantic anymore.

"Pardon me, my friends, I have ventured to paint my happiness on the wall." Nietzsche

I've always thought my flowers had souls.

Life's no fun without a good scare!

Ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies.

Oh, glorious world, I am alive yet another day!

Come trouble, but come alone (trouble never comes alone)!

Septembrie ma omoara incet.
Septembrie aduce vesti interesante, doar ca nu intr-un sens bun.
September is doing this to me!

In alta ordine de idei, Brain, mai zi si tu ceva!

6 comentarii:

Irene spunea...

jpr sgtz pl...vreau un print..cer prea mult? daca se poate si analizat...sau sa se duca cineva in locu meu gen:D

Rozalia spunea...

bah, ai mai zis tu cum face, gen :))
si nu uita: si cmn sgtz pl! ;)

neimportant spunea...

How about this : Suntem sase miliarde de clone nascute din acelasi cuvant, purtand acelasi razboi de mentinere a propriei identitati.
Iti place :)?

Rozalia spunea...

@Neimportant: hmm, suna bine

kretz spunea... cel mai tare l-ai pus..l-am pus eu pe blogul meu.. e Narf trademark :D

Rozalia spunea...

:)) exact! ;)