The world is a big place
that we're gonna take over
sâmbătă, 15 august 2009
Spoofs - Funny stuff
Okay, this is just too funny! Nu stiu exact daca il stiti, dar sunt sanse sa nu... Like, e vorba de o parodie dupa o piese de-a lui Miley Cyrus, so yeah... (uhm, nu stiti cine e aia? uhm, the Hannah Montana chick?) Don't take it personally ppl, it's just parody ;)
Later Edit: Asta e cu dedicatie pt. You-Know-Who =)) Te-ai prins, Brain?
hai ca e un pic cam mult chiar si pt el =)) adica refrenu mere...da he's not quite the movie creep type =))
cat despre miley cyrus...las ca stiu eu la ce te uitai acu vreo saptamana....pacat ca nu mai am arhiva la mess...darnation..cate santaje am pierdut :((((((((((
@Creier mwuahahaha! :P @Chasey tipa asta are un show la tv in care joaca un popstar deghizat in fetita normala, sau invers... si mai e si 'cantareata' in real life
narf...chasey se referea la u know who...she doesen't know who...defapt she didn' i-am zis eu intre timp =)) gen...he who must not be named =)))) (e din acelas film :))) )
5 comentarii:
hai ca e un pic cam mult chiar si pt el =)) adica refrenu mere...da he's not quite the movie creep type =))
cat despre miley cyrus...las ca stiu eu la ce te uitai acu vreo saptamana....pacat ca nu mai am arhiva la mess...darnation..cate santaje am pierdut :((((((((((
Adreano, sunt in urma . I don't know who :-w
@Creier mwuahahaha! :P
@Chasey tipa asta are un show la tv in care joaca un popstar deghizat in fetita normala, sau invers... si mai e si 'cantareata' in real life
narf...chasey se referea la u know who...she doesen't know who...defapt she didn' i-am zis eu intre timp =))
gen...he who must not be named =)))) (e din acelas film :))) )
aaaaa.... silly me, then :P
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